Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lady Porcelain
Sculpt: Elfdoll Reminisce Sooah on Shinydoll Thaasa III body
Personality/ Back Story:
Lady Porcelain (nickname because of her pale delicate skin) was a ballerina until she met with unfortunate accident who made her lose her sight. She lives together with Cain now, who was the cause of the accident and felt responsible for her misfortune. Lady Porcelain has had a long running crush on Cain, though Cain does not know it at all. 
She now works at a jazz bar at night as a songstress. 
Style: Vintage, Classic Lolita. 

Sculpt: Volks SD10 four sisters (f-01)
Rhea is born of a Japanese mother and an American father. She is a believer of true love and has her head in the clouds. She has a baby with a mysterious guy who disappeared shortly after she was pregnant. She still believes that he's her one true love and that he would return to her despite having gone missing for more than 10 years. She started working at a young age to support herself and her baby girl. With her cute looks though she's already 28 years old, she was scouted to be a model for a subculture fashion magazine. She takes care of children at a day-care centre part-time as well. She is a wonderful story-teller, well-loved by the kids at the day-care. Rhea has a sweet tooth and loves mochi sweets and macaroons especially. The only sweet thing she doesn't like is sweet eggs. She adores her baby girl, Misu, to bits, sewing toys and clothes and making bentos for her all too often. She enjoys fairy kei style best and is a fan of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. Rhea dreams to be a chef, sharing her lovely homemade bentos with the rest of the world.